• Lymphedema

    Posted on December 19, 2017 by in Associated conditions


    Venous insufficiency can lead to other issues in the body such as a pressure build-up from leaking damaged veins. This leakage can cause injury to the lymphatic drainage system. The swelling that results is known as lymphedema.

    Swelling can happen in the toes and feet and is most prevalent in the morning after hours of laying down. Lymph fluid is protein packed and an easy place for bacteria to form and grow. Because of this having lymphedema can leave you open to serious skin infections which are known as cellulitis. If left untreated skin can be damaged, changing from soft and supple to brown, hard and leathery. Ulcers may also form in extreme cases.

    If caught early enough it is fairly easy to treat. It is important not to ignore signs of swelling as when sudden onset it may be a harbinger of a blood clot. Blood clots can be life-threatening as the clot can break free and move to the lungs, heart or brain. Seek help immediately if one leg becomes numb, cold, swollen or turns an ashy bluish white.

    Things to know about venous health:

      The most common reason for swelling legs is varicose veins.

      Leaking varicose veins can damage the lymphatic system.

      Leg swelling can indicate an underlying disease.

    • Abrupt swelling affecting a single leg can potentially be a blood clot.
    • WeKnowVeins.com has registered vascular technicians who specialize in the evaluation of venous insufficiency, blood clots, and lymphedema.

    Aching swollen legs can lead to a more sedentary lifestyle. In turn, this non-movement can lead to even more vein problems. It’s a vicious circle. Because varicose veins aren’t always visible, sometimes vein disease can progress without you even realizing what the issue is.

    If you’re experiencing swollen, tired or heavy legs, there’s no reason to wait it out to see what happens. Vein disease always progresses when left unchecked. Contact us online for a free initial screening and we can conduct an assessment to pinpoint the root of your problem. We will then form the best plan to correct any insufficiency.

    These days, vein treatment options require very little recovery time and are covered by Medicare and most insurance plans.

    Most of our patients will tell you that their only regret was not being seen sooner.

    Call us today at 239-694-VEIN or visit www.weknowveins.com to get back your leg health!

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