• Laser Surgery for Spider Veins

    Posted on March 22, 2018 by in naples veins, spider veins

    spider veinsSpider veins do not have to overshadow the beauty of your legs.

    In fact, you don’t have to live with them at all. Getting rid of them is simple, painless and quick. In many cases, it is deemed medically necessary by your insurance and therefore paid for by your policy.

    The first step is to get a FREE vein screening online by going to www.weknowveins.com. You can converse with a Vein Specialist and send in images of your spider veins and get a professional opinion without ever leaving the comfort of your home.

    While spider veins may or may not currently feel painful, they often spread and progressively get worse over time. The best outcomes are found when you take action as soon as possible when you first notice the start of symptoms.

    The most common way to treat spider veins because they are so close to the surface of the skin is with a laser. The laser used is a handheld device that has a cooling tip to minimize discomfort during the therapy. The laser penetrates the superficial blood vessels and the heat coagulates the blood causing it to collapse and seal.

    You will be asked to avoid sun exposure, aspirin, alcoholic drinks and smoking for one week prior to having the laser treatment done. During the treatment, you may feel a slight tingling as the laser fires. In the following weeks, the vessels will disappear and the blood will be reabsorbed into the body. There is no downtime after treatment and healing can be supported by wearing support hose.

    Results are dramatic in improvement giving you a more youthful look and even appearance of skin tone. While treated veins cannot come back, given time, more may appear and further treatment could be required. Keeping an eye on your vein health is advised.

    If you would like a FREE consultation we would love to work with you. Just visit www.weknowveins.com today to get started.

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