• Are You Hiding Your Spider Veins?

    Posted on July 11, 2017 by in spider veins

    spider veinsIf you have varicose or spider veins that are visible it may be tempting to simply try and hide them. This can be done by wearing long pants or skirts and avoiding shorts or bathing suits or – If you do arrive at an occasion where that isn’t possible by covering with a full coverage waterproof makeup concealer.


    While this may work all it is doing is covering up the real problem. Venous insufficiency isn’t simply a cosmetic problem. Veins, once damaged, if left untreated can spread and become worse over time leading to bigger problems such as achiness, leg, ankle and foot pain, swelling and edema, skin issues and even ulcers on the legs.


    If you begin to have veins that are visible it is advisable to seek the advice of a Vein Specialist. Going through offices such as weknowveins.com where they offer FREE online screenings can give you peace of mind and some professional knowledgeable advice as to your current state and the very best medical recommendations for your health now and in the future.


    Treatment options are numerous and with the advances that have been made in vein care, you no longer simply have to live with embarrassing or painful veins. Diagnostics are simple, quick and pain-free. The solutions are all outpatient procedures with very minimal recovery times. The majority of those who undergo treatment remark that they wish they had done it sooner.


    To get started go to www.eveinscreening.com for a confidential FREE Vein Screening right online. Dr. Joseph Magnant is a board certified vascular surgeon and Dr. Nero is a board certified general surgeon. They have dedicated their lives to this surgical practice with the singular focus on the treatment of venous insufficiency. 239-694-VEIN (8346) to schedule an in-person appointment.

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