• What Younger Women Need to Know About Vein Problems

    Posted on October 9, 2017 by in Associated conditions, dr joseph magnant, varicose veins

    veinsAs women, especially younger women, we tend not to think about things like vein issues. The impression is that varicose and spider veins affect only the elderly.

    In order to ensure your circulatory health, there are some things you should know while you are still young and healthy. Venous deficiency is among the top most prevalent conditions in the country. Varicose veins affect just over half of the population ages 50 and over, with women being the primary candidate.

    Why are women more likely to develop vein disease?

    This inclination is mostly thanks to hormones. Hormone changes happen during a few different stages in every woman’s life – puberty, pregnancy, and menopause.

    While puberty won’t cause varicose or spider veins, as you begin to mature, you may opt to use birth control pills. Birth control pills boost the presence of both progesterone and estrogen and can lead to an increased risk for developing vein issues. They can also boost your chances of developing blood clots and pulmonary embolism. Make sure to talk with your physician about the risks of contraceptives before choosing an oral pill.

    Pregnancy can have harsh effects on the connective tissue and collagen in the pelvic area. In a pregnancy, the volume of blood is increased to the pelvis. This results in greater pressure in the veins of the legs. The weight of the baby itself, as well as weight gained by the mother, also add to additional pressure. This can cause varicose veins to form.

    It isn’t uncommon for women during pregnancy to have veins appear in other areas besides just the legs. This can include, facial veins, arms, chest, hands, and even breasts. It is most common in fair-skinned women as the veins are more easily seen.

    The good news is that the majority of the varicose veins that develop during a pregnancy will be temporary. An improvement is seen generally within the first three months after the baby is born. Your doctor may suggest some at home care such as diet recommendations, exercise to lose the baby weight, elevating your legs, and even wearing compression stockings for a period of time.

    If you are experiencing leg pain issues or visible varicose veins during a pregnancy or any other time in your life we would love to talk with you. No one should have to suffer through daily and nightly discomfort. Seeing a physician that specializes in vein disorders could be the most important step you take towards alleviating your symptoms.

    Dr. Magnant of Vein Specialists is always available for a consultation and diagnosis.  Get started today by calling 239-694-VEIN or by submitting an online vein screening at www.eveinscreening.com.

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