• Creams for Varicose Veins: Do they Work?

    Posted on July 18, 2016 by in varicose veins

    creamsIf you have varicose veins, you have probably looked around for an easy, fast solution. Most likely you have come across lotions and creams that the manufacturer might claim works on varicose veins, but it is best to take a closer look at these products before buying them.

    Many people search for alternative methods to help alleviate the symptoms and appearance of their venous insufficiency. From exercise modifications to diet changes to supplemental vitamins and adding compression wear to their wardrobe, those suffering with damaged veins will seek out ways to feel better. Even though there is nothing wrong with trying to find solutions, these methods might alleviate some swelling and pain, but they are not a permanent solution. Only by consulting a vascular physician can you find a way to eradicate bothersome veins.

    The topical varicose vein creams, lotions, and gels may firm the skin in the effort to hide the veins. The appearance does improve slightly. It is only when these manufacturers claim that their products can prevent varicose veins. While that would be great, it does not work that way. Varicose veins are caused by factors that creams and gels cannot control such as obesity, smoking, diet, heredity, pregnancy, and injury.

    Since these creams do somewhat “hide” the varicose veins, they can definitely be what you are looking for as a temporary solution. But, keep in mind that they are only treating the layers of skin, not the underlying cause of the damaged vein. These creams cannot fix the damaged valves and weakened vein walls. They cannot detect or treat a deep vein thrombosis, or blood clot, which can be life threatening. Only by visiting a physician trained in diagnosing your condition and recommending his/her treatment plan can you truly rid yourself of those snaky, blue veins crawling up your leg.

    If you are concerned about your veins, you can get a FREE vein screening at EVeinScreening.com

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