• Should I Worry About Veins Showing Through My Skin?

    Posted on May 1, 2016 by in Associated conditions

    VeinsDo you have blue veins that are visible? Veins that show through the skin are normally nothing to worry about. Aside from the aesthetic reason for not wanting to see these veins, there normally is not a reason for seeking treatment. But, contact a physician if you have reason for concern. Or, to ease your mind that nothing is wrong.

    Reasons for visibility through the skin are:

    • Weight: Thin people have less fat, therefore the blue color is more prominent since there is less fat between the veins and skin.
    • Skin tone: Those who have a fair complexion will see color through their skin more than those who have a darker complexion.
    • Areas of the body where capillaries are close to the skin such as the legs.
    • Areas of the body where there is less sun contact, such as the underside of the wrist in comparison to the top of the wrist, which is exposed to sunlight.
    • Ageing can increase the visibility through the skin. When we age, the fat layer that we had as young adults thins out. That is why you’ll notice the elderly’s hands don’t look as plump as a younger person’s hands.
    • Weight lifters build their muscles, which make their veins more rigid and pop out more than those who do not lift weights.
    • Dehydration works against your circulatory system. Drink water to stay hydrated.

    Although visibility of the veins is not usually something to be concerned about, there are many problems with your veins that can arise. Here are some signs that you will want to contact a physician about your veins:

    • If they appear to be bleeding
    • If the skin is warm to the touch, becomes swollen, or sore
    • If they appear to have turned varicose
    • Color changes of the skin.
    • If you age worrisome to the point where it causes you stress and want to be evaluated

    For a FREE online evaluation, please go to EVeinScreening.com

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