• The VeinGogh Ohmic Thermolysis System

    Posted on November 19, 2015 by in dr joseph magnant, fort myers, naples veins, sarasota vein treaments, spider veins, vein gogh, vein screening

    If you are affected with unsightly spider veins that make you feel self-conscious about wearing certain clothes or going out without cover-up makeup on, there is now an amazing and nearly instant solution. The VeinGogh system is safe to use on virtually any part of the body including the face.

    The VeinGogh utilizes Ohmic Thermolysis to treat spider veins. The power generator produces a “microburst” of high frequency energy (4mhz) to the tip of a hair-thin probe. This energy dissipates so quickly that only heat is created. The heat coagulates the blood collapsing the blood vessel wall instantly which is then re-absorbed into the body.

    This process is incredible to watch. As the VeinGogh technician expertly guides the probe along the spider vein you can visibly watch the vein disappear leaving only unblemished skin behind. It almost looks like playing in reverse a video of someone drawing a line with an ink pen.

    The outer layers of the skin are not affected. This results in a diminished spider vein and no damage to surrounding cell structure. Slight redness may occur but will subside within a few hours.

    Topical anesthetic is applied to the area just prior to treatment to lessen any discomfort, though most patients say that the sensation is similar to pulling an eyebrow hair. Low on the pain scale and gone the instant the probe is. The procedure usually only takes around 30 minutes to complete.

    In addition to facial and nasal spider veins, other vascular lesions such as cherry hemangiomas, strawberry hemangiomas and nonvascular lesions like skin tags can be effectively treated as well. Results are permanent as the treated vein will never return.

    VeinGogh works best on spider veins up to 0.3mm. It is not designed to treat feeders or larger vessels deep beneath the surface. To effectively treat leg veins, VeinGogh should be used in conjunction with sclerotherapy.

    Dr. Joseph Magnant will work with you to determine the best treatment for you please visit www.eveinscreening.com to get started today with a FREE Screening or give us a call at 1-239-694-VEIN.



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