• Diagnosing Spider Veins

    Posted on December 27, 2016 by in spider veins

    Varicose VeinsWhile the visual appearance is enough to bring your attention to newly forming purplish colored veins close to the surface of your skin, it is best to visit a vein specialist for a formal diagnosis as well as to get a jump on treating them early. The sooner treatment begins, the better a prognosis is for your leg and vein health.


    Once you schedule the initial consultation, you will receive a physical manual examination as well as an ultrasound. The ultrasound will create images the doctor will be able to use to determine where the leaks are occurring and where they can best be repaired.


    During the examination, your doctor may perform a couple of test injections to get a base for how your body reacts to the chemical solutions. Adjustments can be made from there to achieve the best possible outcome. Laser may also be tested as well as an ohmic themolysis device in order to see which works best for you.


    Most patients report minimal or no pain during treatment with occasional remarks of slight stinging or burning sensations.


    A light may also be utilized to shine through the skin to further illuminate the vein making focus easier to work on.


    Treatment Options:


    Sclerotherapy – this method works by injecting a chemical solution into the veins. It causes the walls of the veins to stick together, closing. When a vein can no longer hold blood, it is eventually reabsorbed by the body.


    Laser Therapy – lasers can be used by themselves to target veins or in conjunction with sclerotherapy. Lasers target the type of vein by adjusting the wavelength. Use in combination can often speed the reabsorption process.


    Ohmic Thermolysis – This tiny pin-point device closes off veins by using heat bursts.  It causes damage to vein wall and like the other treatments, the damaged veins are eventually reabsorbed.


    Only an experienced Vein Specialist can decide what treatment is best for you. Visit www.weknowveins.com today and get your FREE initial online vein screening.

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