• Varicose Veins: What Are The Best Exercises?

    Posted on April 7, 2016 by in varicose veins


    Varicose veins exercises that are best

    If you suffer from varicose veins, you probably wonder if exercise is good or if it exacerbates the problem. Or, maybe you’ve always wondered if exercise will help prevent your veins from getting worse. If you are currently on an exercise program, do you question if the movements that you are doing are good for your varicose veins?

    The bottom line is that any exercise that pumps blood from your legs to your heart is good for you. There are certain ones that would be beneficial for you to perform in your routine.

    Walking is a great exercise for anyone suffering with venous insufficiency. It get the blood moving in your legs and works the calf muscles. Your calf muscles are very important in the function of moving blood back up to your heart. In essence, they help support the veins in pushing the blood back up the legs. Walk in moderation if you are just beginning, then increase your time and pace once your legs get comfortable in the motion.

    Swimming is a wonderful exercise for anyone suffering with varicose veins. The compression of the water assists the veins in squeezing blood back through the circulatory system. The reduction of gravity helps ease the swelling and pain that varicose veins can cause. Start with easy water exercises or join a water aerobics class at your nearby gym.

    Yoga is another exercise that can help those suffering with vein issues. There are many postures in yoga that raise the legs up into the air. By doing this, the blood can flow down to the heart much easier, which takes a lot of pressure off of your vein system.

    Jogging or running is great for the circulatory system and tremendously helps the veins. But, since it is high impact, make sure that you run on a soft surface such as grass or the beach in order to reduce chance of injury.

    Of course, before starting any exercise program, you should consult with your doctor.  If you feel that you might have vein problems and would like a FREE screening, please visit EVeinScreening.com

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