• Staying Fashion Forward with Varicose Veins

    Posted on July 6, 2015 by in spider veins, varicose vein facts, varicose veins

    Legs (1)

    Having varicose veins doesn’t mean you have to forget about your fashion sense. After all, you didn’t ask for them. In fact, no one did.

    But with these helpful tips, you can still be fashion forward, no matter what your skin looks like.

    Keep it loose

    Tight-fitting clothing will only irritate varicose veins and make them worse. A lot of tight-fitting styles are in fashion, but looser, more bohemian styles are making a comeback. Baggy clothes, in this case, are the answer. However, that doesn’t mean you should walk around in your PJs. Baggy pants with a tucked in blouse are stylish. So are long skirts and dresses. Maxi dresses/skirts have been on trend for years.

    What’s on your feet?

    Improper footwear can not only affect your posture and hurt your feet; it can also seriously affect varicose veins. While wearing high heels won’t cause them, it won’t make them any easier either. High heels restrict blood flow, which increases pressure and causes veins to hurt. It’s that simple. Ballet flats and sandals are both stylish alternatives. Heels make your legs look longer and skinnier. But they hurt and you probably won’t feel up to showing them off anyway. Ladies, they’re not worth it!

    Underneath it all

    You should wear compression stockings, which are basically tights that help keep the circulation in your legs at bay. And you’ll wear them underneath your clothes so no one but you will see them! OK, it does kind of sound like something your grandma would wear, but they really are effective. Compression stockings compress the surface veins and arteries, so that more blood can return to your heart and less blood can pool in your feet and calves (beneath the surface, of course. But still—ouch!). They come in different pressure weights, heights, colors and materials. There are even light, sheer ones available you can wear with a dress!

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