• Sarasota Compression Stockings Vein Treatment

    Posted on July 16, 2012 by in sarasota compression stockings

    Compression stockings are the first line of treatment of patients with varicose veins and other signs and symptoms of venous insufficiency. These symptoms may include diffuse spider veins, swollen achy legs, “French legs”, “piano legs”, thick calves, skin discoloration, thickening of the skin around the ankles and in the most advanced stages, ulcerations. Compression hose should be specifically measured for the individual patient and generally should not be passed down from generation to generation.

    They are available in a variety of lengths (knee, thigh, or panty) as well as a variety of colors. Most insurance companies require a trial of compression stocking therapy before one can be considered for more definitive therapy of vein problems.

    Ideal Candidate?

    Dr. Magnant strongly encourages his patients to initiate compression therapy as soon as the clinical diagnosis of significant venous insufficiency is either strongly suspected or confirmed. There are a number of exceptions to the conservative trial rule. These exceptions include active ulceration or recurrent bleeding, in which cases treatment should be performed earlier.

    If you suffer from any of these symptoms or would like more information, contact Dr. Joseph Magnant today at: 239-694-VEIN or visit him at: www.WeKnowVeins.com to schedule your appointment online.

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